Deprecation notice:
The Uninvoiced Items page has been deprecated to allow for a more consistent invoice generation experience. Tune Pay invoices can be directly generated in "Draft" status by going to Partners > Invoices > New Partner Invoice. More information can be found on partner invoice documentation
TUNE Pay Uninvoiced Items page
The Uninvoiced Items page can be accessed by navigating to the Partners tab and selecting Uninvoiced Items. This page shows all conversions and payouts that have not been included in an invoice yet.
Conversions in Uninvoiced item page
Common reasons for certain conversions to appear on the “Uninvoiced Items” page are:
- The conversions have not reached the payment cycle yet. For example, if the invoice is for all of February conversions in March, all your February conversions will be in the Uninvoiced Items section until March.
- The partner is missing payment information. If the partner does not have a valid payment method listed on their account, we will not be able to generate an invoice for them.
- The partner has not submitted a valid tax form in the “Tax Information” section.
- The partner has not reached your minimum invoice threshold.
Default View
The following fields will be displayed by default
Partner Name: The partner that the conversion and payout belong.
Manager: The internal employee that manages the partner account
Currency: The currency that the payout is shown in. This will always be USD unless the Self-Service version of TUNE Pay has been turned on
Quantity: The number of conversions that are uninvoiced for a specific partner
Total Amount: The total payout amount that is uninvoiced for a specific partner
The results can also be filtered by these important filters:
Time range: These are determined by the “datetime” of conversions that are recorded in the TUNE core app.
Active items: Approved conversions that are recorded and that will be included in an invoice in the future.
Hidden and rejected items: Conversions that we no longer want to be included in any invoices. They included conversions in the following conditions:
- Conversions there were rejected in your Tune Core Application
- Ineligible conversions such as $0 conversions or Conversions recorded in "Private" goals
- Conversions hidden by the admin
Creating Invoices
To add uninvoiced items to an invoice, select the partner and click on “New Partner Invoices” to generate an invoice.
Hiding Uninvoiced items:
To hide a conversion from future invoices, select the partner and click Hide Selected Items. This will prevent the conversions from being invoiced in the future.