One of the main functionalities of the conversion report is the ability to manage conversions. It is often the case that you or an advertiser will have to audit your conversions and reject some already existing conversions or approve conversions that were marked as pending and needed to be verified.
Conversions may be rejected because the user who converted on the product or service has requested a refund, and the partner does not get a commission for refunded sales. Other times, the conversion could have been created fraudulently and needs to be scrubbed from the reports.
There are several ways to modify the status of conversion. If you are singling out one or a few selected conversions to be rejected, you can quickly do so in the Status column in the report itself:
When you click Reject for the conversion, the status is immediately updated to “Rejected.” This means that the conversion will be omitted from stats and aggregate totals in other reports and, ultimately, the partner’s earnings at the end of the billing period. Conversions appear in the conversion report even when rejected. If you later want to re-approve a conversion, click the Approve link next to it.
Pending Conversions
If an offer has conversion approval enabled, pending conversions can also be approved or rejected from the conversion report. When a conversion is set to pending status, it won’t appear in the partner’s stats. However, they can still view the pending conversion if you allow them to view pending conversions (you can control what statuses the partner can view in the Partner platform settings). Conversions from proxy IP addresses can also come in as pending. In both situations, you must manually approve or reject the conversion.
Group Approval/Rejecting Conversions
If you want to reject or approve more than five conversions at one time, you can use the checkbox on the left of each conversion row and select the desired conversions you want to update. Once selected, click either Approve Conversions or Reject Conversions, depending on which action you want to take. This updates the selected conversions to the status you selected.