Conversion History
The conversion history panel helps trace the lifecycle of conversion events. This additional layer of traceability can be helpful for debugging or troubleshooting any conversion issues, testing tracking integrations, or checking recently uploaded conversions.
The new panel can be viewed on the Conversion Details page - accessed by clicking through any individual conversion in your TUNE Conversion Report.
The panel will display a list of all updates made to the conversion, including the date and time of the update, and the details of the update.
The Conversion History panel will be available for all TUNE admin application users who have been granted the "stats" permission from within their employee profile. You can read more about employee permissions here.
The Conversion History panel can be accessed for any conversion, regardless of its status.
The panel displays a list of updates made to the conversion. These updates include the date and time of the update as well as details such as conversion status, payout, revenue, and sale amount.