The goals report shows you downstream conversion rates and helps you identify publishers driving high-performing traffic to your offers. You can see offer conversions split out by goal, analyze offer goal conversion rates, and drill down to publisher-specific stats.
To access the goals report, go to Reports > Goals Report.
About This Report
The goals report lists all offers in your platform with offer goals. Goals for each offer are grouped together, and default goal names include the text “(Default)”:
Default View
When you load the goals report, it displays information for the current day:
- Advertiser: Name of the advertiser associated with the offer
- Offer: Name of the offer
- Goal: Name of offer goal
- Conversions: Number of conversions on a goal
- Goal CR: Conversion rate as a percentage of default goal conversions
Using the calculated goal CR, you can see how frequently a user converts after converting on the default goal.
Note: Data is shown in your platform’s default timezone and can’t be exported.
Drilling Down
In the goals report, you can click on an offer’s name to go to a drill-down page for that offer. This page helps you focus on the partners and stats you’re most interested in.
On the offer drill-down page, the table lists each partner with stats for the offer. Stats are displayed for each partner grouped together by goal:
To go back to the main goals report, click Offers above the table.
Configuring Your Report
To add or remove columns and filters from your report, click the Configure Report button. In the drawer that appears, you can:
- Select different properties to group information by
- Add or remove columns from your report
- Apply filters to narrow down your results
Note- Some columns added to the drill-down page via Configure Report > Metrics appear under a new “Offer Totals” group header.