You can filter your conversions using the provided options. To activate a filter, first, check the box for that filter. In the field that appears, enter the data points you want to display. Here, the offer filter was activated and an offer was selected from the list of all offers:
For partners, offers, and advertisers, you can pull up the account by searching for either the name or the numerical ID associated with it (in the image above, Offer ID: 45). The adjustment filter is a simple boolean value that only shows conversions that were created as adjustments or not. You can add multiple options to filters and can separate the values by selecting values from the autocomplete field.
Below the Filters section is a search field. To use this field, you need to select the value you are searching for. In this case, we selected to search for a transaction ID:
With the transaction ID selected, this searches the conversion report for any conversions with the transaction ID of “102059a9d5e7f0d94dec9eacaf1f71”. The search does not have to be an exact match; it searches for transaction IDs that contain that string. The same rule applies to all the searchable fields. You can search by the following fields:
- Conversion IP
- Session IP
- Transaction ID
- Partner Source
- Partner Sub ID 1
- Partner Sub ID 2
- Partner Sub ID 3
- Partner Sub ID 4
- Partner Sub ID 5
- Advertiser Sub ID
- Tracking Link Referral
- Conversion Pixel Referral
If you want to change the date range of the conversions that you want to view in your report, you can do so with the Timeframe section. Here you can select from a preset set of date ranges or select a custom range. Click Run Report to update the report with the new date range.