Using the TUNE Pay Invoice Details Page
To see details about a specific partner invoice, navigate to the “Partners” tab and select “Invoices”. Once there, click on the specific invoice name to be directed to the Invoice Details page. This page will provide you with more details about the specific invoice clicked.
At the top right-hand corner, you’ll be able to see the total amount included in this invoice.
Invoice Details
Invoice Status: You’ll be able to see this at the very top of this section. You may see the following statuses.
- Draft: Invoice generated but not yet approved
- Under threshold: Invoice generated, but is under the minimum set in your "Account Settings". Admins can override this status by rolling back this invoice to "Draft" status.
- Skipped: Invoice generated but is skipped due to a negative balance generated by conversion adjustments performed in the previous period
- Unapproved: Partner Manager submitted for approval and waiting for Administrator or Partner Director to Approve.
- Approved: Invoice is in approved status and locked
- Pending: Invoice is currently being processed for payment
- Paid: Invoice has been paid out to the partner
Note: Invoices in "Processing" and "Paid" statuses cannot be rolled back due to payment has already left the Tune Pay account.
The following details are provided:
Partner: The partner's name that the invoice was generated for
Manager: The internal employee assigned as the partner manager.
Period: The time period that this invoice was generated. Note: Tune Pay will only sync conversions and their statues changes that if the conversion has a conversion date within within the last 90 days.
Due Date: The date when the payments are expected to be paid out. *For Full-service accounts: This is contingent on the Tax information being approved and the consolidated payment being received on time.
Recipient Payment Method: The selected bank information and currency for the payment will be sent.
Payment Order: The payment that is associated with this invoice. Please see the Payments Page document for more information.
Created: The date the invoice was generated on.
Created By: The person that has generated the invoice. If the invoice was manually generated by a specific user, their name will be displayed. If the invoice was generated automatically, the Created By section will display “TUNE Pay”.
Adv. Statement: The Advertiser Statement the invoice was included in and the status of that advertiser statement. Please see the Payables Report help doc (link out to payables report help doc) for more details.
Partner Tax Status: This shows the tax status of the partner. This invoice will only be paid out if the tax status shows “Approved”. Please see the Partner Details page Help document for more detail on the tax status.
Attachments: This section is used to attach any documents that are relevant to this invoice. *Once you approve an invoice, we will automatically generate a PDF version of the invoice for you and attach it to this section.
Payments: This section allows you to see the payment information associated with the specific invoice. Details included:
- The payment numbers
- The bank information that the payment is being paid out to
- Created date. The created date will be the day the invoice was generated.
- Payment Status: Unpaid, processing, paid, or canceled. Please see the payments page help doc (link out to payments page help doc) for more details.
- Sent date. This is the day the payment was sent out.
Items: The items section shows the individual line items included in the invoice. The line items are broken down by offer and offer goals. So, if you have 2 offers and 3 goals per offer, you will see a total of 6-line items.
You also have the option to move the line item out of the current invoice (by clicking the red arrow) or hide the line item, (by clicking the eye icon). Please note, if you choose to hide the item, this will prevent the line item from getting invoiced in the future.
To add a custom line item to the invoice, click the “Add new item” button on the upper right of the “Items” section.
History: Comments left on the invoice for internal use only. To see a log of changes, uncheck the “Only show comments” box.