Gross vs. Unique Clicks
Gross clicks are the total number of clicks you’ve received from tracking links, and unique clicks indicate the number of unique users clicking through. One user clicking the tracking link two times counts as two gross clicks, but only one unique click.
In TUNE, the “Click” metric often appears as a table column. But does it represent gross or unique clicks? The type of click displayed throughout your platform is determined by the Click Metric setting in your network-wide tracking settings. You can always see the other type of click metric in a report by changing report options to include it as a metric.
Our ad server uses TUNE cookies placed in the user’s browser to determine click uniqueness. When a user clicks a tracking link for the first time, two cookies are placed: aff_conversions and enc_aff_session_X (where X is the offer ID). A unique click is counted when the enc_aff_session_X cookie is placed for the first time. If that user clicks the tracking link again, a gross click is counted and the enc_aff_session_X cookie is refreshed with new session information.
Note: Click, gross click, and unique click counts all exclude any clicks rejected due to fraud. Fraudulent clicks are aggregated as rejected clicks.