To provide an advertiser with an offer’s session information, you’ll need to configure your default offer URL. This process connects clicks with conversions that happen in the same session.
For server postbacks with transaction ID, this means passing the transaction ID value to the advertiser through a parameter in the default offer URL. From your offer’s page, you can find its default offer URL by going to the Details panel and clicking Edit at the top.
In your default offer URL, match your advertiser’s session parameter with the TUNE placeholder macro for your tracking protocol. For example, the placeholder macro for transaction ID is {transaction_id}.
Parameters themselves can vary in name, so you need to be aware of what parameters your advertiser is expecting. For example, if the advertiser’s server expects the transaction ID in a parameter called session_id, then your default offer URL should have session_id={transaction_id} in its query string.
As another example, your advertiser might ask you to include the campaign and source parameters in addition to the session_id parameter. Your default offer URL would then look something like this:{transaction_id}&campaign={aff_sub}&source={source}
After TUNE fills in values for the macros, the user is directed to a URL that looks similar to this:
For more details on offer URL parameters, read our article on passing values to an offer URL.
Advertiser Stores Session Identifier
The advertiser needs to have some way of keeping track of the transaction ID so it can report on sessions that convert. Because it wholly depends on the advertiser’s technology, this is the most varied step in the process. Some common methods are: storing the ID in a database, storing the ID in a cookie, and passing the ID through each URL.