Goal Settings
Settings are set when a goal (conversion event type) is created. They can also be edited and updated by viewing a goal and clicking the “Edit” link on the corresponding panel.
“Active” means the goal is active. If the goal isn’t private and the status is active, then partners can see the goal. If the goal is old or no longer used, set the goal to “Deleted.”
Private Goals
You can also make a goal private to track only the revenue generated when a user completes a specified action. This helps record data to be used internally, providing more information about user activity in the advertising funnel.
If a goal is private, payouts are not tracked. Partners do not have access to private goals. Additionally, you can’t set custom partner payouts or place third-party partner pixels/URLs.
Note: When setting a goal to Private, first remove payout values. If a payout is set and saved before the goal is made private, then the payout doesn’t get zeroed out—it is just hidden. Conversions on the goal will still show a payout value based on what you had previously entered.
Conversion Tracking
Image and iframe conversion pixels use a client-based cookie or cookieless tracking, while Server Postback uses server-based cookieless tracking URLs. When using server postback tracking for goals, remember that you must pass a transaction ID on the click to the landing page so that the value can be passed on to the offer postback goal.
For more information, read our Server Postback Tracking Explained article.
Goal Reference ID
The goal reference ID is a static value you can place to be passed through to a partner’s pixel/postback on goal conversion. This can be passed with the {goal_ref} macro.
The amount paid by advertisers per conversion. You can set this to $0 if you only want to track payouts for a goal. Otherwise, setting the revenue will allow you to see the difference in income from an offer and the cost to run the offer on your partner platform.
The amount paid to partners per conversion. Set a private goal to avoid compensating the partner for the goal.
Tiered Revenues and Payouts
When setting the payout and revenue for the offer goal, you can enable payout and revenue tiers. When goals are enabled, you can set the payout tiers by selecting Edit on the default goal and enabling the tiered payouts/revenues. For additional goals, you enable and set payout tiers in the “Payout” link for that goal. If the payout tier is not enabled, the system will revert to the default payout for the goal.
Multiple Conversions
Enable multiple conversions to be recorded per user for only one active session. An active session is created each time a user clicks on a tracking link. This will allow a user to create multiple conversions for this goal.
End Point
Enabling this setting will close the active session when this goal is converted. This prevents the user from further converting on the offer unless another active session is started. Set this to enable the last goal in the flow process. Only additional goals can be set as an endpoint; the default goal cannot be set as an endpoint.
Approve Conversions
Enable “Approve Conversions” to require each conversion to approve this goal. Conversions will be set to ‘pending’ by default and excluded from billing and stats until approved.
Encrypted Conversion Tracking
Enable “Encrypted Conversion Tracking” to enforce conversion tracking pixels to only record conversions from encrypted pixels. Disable this feature to dynamically create conversion tracking pixels and URLs based on the offer ID.