There are multiple mobile deep linking protocols in use today, so we’ll use the term “universal links” generally in this article. In short, universal links can work seamlessly across mobile apps and the web, on all operating systems and devices, and they can send users to specific pages in your app or website for an optimal mobile experience.
Due to their unique technical requirements, universal links must be handled differently when using them alongside TUNE. Our standard click tracking method involves redirecting the user through a tracking domain, which is not compatible with universal links. To remedy this, we’ve partnered with the top Mobile Measurement Partners (MMPs) to make linking simple.
Configuring Universal Links
To configure your offer for universal links, select your Universal Link Platform from the menu in the Links section when creating your offer.
Once a universal link platform is selected for a given offer, tracking links for that offer will be generated in the proper format throughout TUNE and in the Affiliate API.
Supported Universal Link Platforms
When using Branch as your link platform, the universal link will send the user straight to the best possible destination (as configured in Branch). Simultaneously, Branch fires a parallel tracking “click” request to the specified affiliate URL, following the redirect chain until the destination is reached. At the end of the destination chain, it stores the parameters (including transaction_id) for use in conversion postbacks.
Branch Universal Link Format
Branch universal links work by appending a URL-encoded TUNE tracking link to a Branch ad link using the “$affiliate_json” parameter. Here is an example link:
Link format
{offer_url} + &$affiliate_json= + {tracking_link_encoded} + %26format%3Djson
Example link:$
Branch Universal Link Format with Deep Links
Branch universal deep links work by appending a deep link to a Branch ad link using the “$deeplink_path” parameter. The TUNE platform automatically adds the deep link to the correct parameter when created in the admin or partner interface.
Link format
{offer_url} + &$deeplink_path= + {deeplink} + &$affiliate_json= + {tracking_link_encoded} + %26format%3Djson
Example link: &$
AppsFlyer Universal Links are called OneLinks. To support universal links with TUNE and AppsFlyer, you must first create a OneLink in AppsFlyer by following their help article: One Link Overview. You’ll also need to enable Advanced Privacy Mode for the integration using the steps here.
Once that has been done, follow these steps:
- In AppsFlyer, navigate to Configuration > Integrated Partners > TUNE, and then click the Attribution Link tab.
- Enable the Retargeting switch, then select OneLink and choose the OneLink you just created from the dropdown.
- Finish configuring your link as desired, then copy it to the clipboard.
- In TUNE, create a new offer.
- Choose “Server Postback w/ Partner ID” from the Conversion Tracking dropdown.
- Select “AppsFlyer” from the Universal Link Platform dropdown*.
- Paste your link in the Default Offer URL field.
- Finish configuring your offer as desired and click Save.
When partners generate a tracking link, it will be the AppsFlyer OneLink with fields appended to send a server-side click to TUNE automatically.
Appsflyer Universal Link Format
Appsflyer universal links work by appending TUNE tracking information to an AppsFlyer ad link using three parameters.
Link format
{offer_url} + &af_esp_name=tune + &af_postback_domain= + {network_id} + &af_esp_url_params= + {tracking_link_params_encoded} + %26format%3Djson
Example link:
Tracking Limitations when using Universal Links
Since the user is redirected by the MMP and not through the TUNE servers, no redirection settings can be used in TUNE. Accordingly, Geo-targeting, Advanced Targeting, Offer Groups, Redirect Offers, and & Tiny URLs can’t be used when working with Universal Links.