Understanding the Account Settings page
To access the Account Settings page in TUNE Pay, navigate to the Settings Dropdown and select Account Settings.
*It is highly recommended to make any changes to these settings before starting your first billing cycle.
Account Details
- Company Name: The name that will be displayed on invoices
- Company Email: The email that will be displayed on invoices
- Home Currency: The currency used to generate partner invoices, process payments, and display information in the interface. *Once set, the Home Currency cannot be changed.
Invoice Generation
- Partner Invoice Generation Delay: Set a delay (in calendar days) after the end of the last billing cycle to automatically generate partner invoices. By default, this is set to 1 day, meaning that partner invoices will automatically generate on the 1st of the month. If more time is needed for reconciliation, choose a later date to generate invoices according to business needs. For example, if you need 5 days for reconciliation at the beginning of every month, we recommend setting your invoice generation delay to 6 days, so that invoices will be generated on the 6th of every month.
- Add Un-invoiced items to Auto-generated Partner Invoices: Allow all un-invoiced items from previous timeframes to be included in the next round of auto-generated invoices. Enabling this setting is recommended to ensure partners are paid for all commissions owed. * Some Items might be included their current billing cycle if partners are missing payment information or if they haven’t met their “Minimum Invoice Threshold”.
- Minimum Threshold for Auto-generated Invoices: Sets a minimum payout amount for invoices to be automatically generated. *This setting is only enabled when the “Add Un-invoiced items to Auto-generated Partner Invoices” option is enabled.
Invoicing Timeframes
- Partner Invoice Frequency: Partners are paid monthly. *This cannot be changed.
- Partner Net Duration: Partners are paid on a Net30 basis.*This cannot be changed.
Invoicing Approval Rules
Default Invoice Approval Method: There are currently 3 methods to handle invoice approvals.
- Auto Approve: All invoices will automatically be approved as soon as they are generated.
- Partner Director Approval: Employees with “Partner Director” of Administrator roles can give the final approval. Employees with “Partner Manager” roles can submit invoices for approval, whereas a “Partner Director” or “Administrator” will have to give the final approval.
- Self-Approve: Employees with “Partner Manager”, “Partner Director”, or “Administrator” roles can approve the invoices. This is recommended in most instances.
Require Invoice Attachments: Require all invoices contain an attachment. Enabling this setting will automatically generate a PDF version of the invoice when it is approved.
Payment Approval Rules
- Require Payment Approval: This is disabled by default as Tune will handle approval of payments
- Blocked Partner Payouts: If enabled, payouts to a Blocked Partner will be permitted.
Platform Customizations
- Company Logo: The logo that will be shown in the interface as well as in PDF documents
- Company Brand Color: The color that will be shown in PDF documents.