The Email notification function provides fine-tuned control over and more transparency around automated email notifications of important activities that happen within TUNE Pay for both Advertisers and Partners. Advertisers can enable notifications for important activities from TUNE Pay to proactively address issues with Partners and review what previous notifications were sent. Partners can provide payment notifications to ensure they are being paid accurately and according to schedule.
Enabling TUNE Pay Notifications
To enable notifications, log into TUNE Pay and navigate to the Account Settings Section. Select the Email and Notifications tab to enable or disable specific notifications. Advertisers and Partners will have their own notification switchboard to enable or disable receiving several types of email notifications as they would prefer.
Once enabled, notifications will be received by the selected recipient type automatically. For example, if the Invoice Approval notification is enabled, Administrators will receive an automated notification reminding them to complete the approvals before the due date.
Advertiser Notifications
Advertisers can receive automated notifications about important events and reminders.
Partner Notifications
Enabling Partner Notifications will help improve transparency and communication with Partners, providing them with a clear picture of the status of invoices and payments.
If payment information is missing or tax information is invalid, an automated notification will be sent to partners requesting action be taken.
Partners can also receive notifications for invoices and payment status updates.