Go to Company > Customize Application > Settings > Domain to access your platform-wide domain settings.
Customizing your SMTP email domain allows you to use a custom SMTP email server to send all email communications. Enable a custom email domain to send emails from TUNE using custom SMTP settings. Here are the required settings:
- Alternate SMTP Host: Address of SMTP server.
- Alternate SMTP Port: Port on SMTP server to send mail.
- Alternate SMTP Type: Method SMTP server uses to send mail.
- Alternate SMTP Username: The account username on the SMTP server.
- Alternate SMTP Password: Password of account for username.
- Alternate From Name: The name you want to be displayed when others receive an email
- Alternate From Address: The address you want these emails to come from
Settings for Gmail
To use Gmail as your SMTP server, first turn on the “Access for less secure apps” setting within your Gmail account. External systems (such as TUNE) can interface with your account. To learn more and change this setting, go to google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps.
If you notice that 2-Step Verification is turned on and can’t use this setting, you need to generate an app-specific password to integrate with TUNE. Do so by going to
Once you do whichever step is relevant to your Gmail account, fill in the Email Domain fields with:
- Custom SMTP Server: Enabled
- Alternate SMTP Host: smtp.gmail.com
- Alternate SMTP Port: 465
- Alternate SMTP Type: SSL
- Alternate SMTP Username: your full email address, including “@gmail.com” or “@yourdomain.com”
- Alternate SMTP Password: your Gmail password, or the app-specific password if you generated one
- Alternate From Name: The name you want to be displayed when others receive an email
- Alternate From Address: The address you want these emails to come from
Test SMTP Settings
Enter an email address to send a test email using the custom STMP settings as test_example_email@some_domain.com
The email address entered needs to be the email address you want to receive a test email to see if your SMTP settings are correct.
Note: Depending on your service provider, it would be advised that you remove the restriction of sending emails from an unauthenticated sender. This is because the “Email Support” link for the partner in the top right section uses the login email of the partner and your SMTP server will not send an email from an unknown/unauthenticated user. Please contact your SMTP provider to ensure this can be done.
Potential Problem with Free Email Providers and Alternate From Addresses
Many free email providers (such as Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo) disallow using alternate addresses, as a way to prevent fraudulent activity. This issue also exists for domains using Google Apps for email. With an SMTP service provider account (often as part of paid web hosting), you can create email accounts on that STMP server and customize their from addresses directly.