Offer Setup
When setting up your offer you will need to set the Conversion Tracking to be Server Postback w/ Transaction ID and post the {transaction_id} as part of your default offer URL. Example:
The simplest form of Google Checkout setup that we support is the Buy Now button. In your button form that you get from Google, you will need to add a new field that will replate {transaction_id} text above with the transaction_id passed into your offer landing page. This field will be tracked by Google for the duration of the purchase.
XML Shopping Cart
If you are using a server-posted XML shopping cart you will instead need to add the transaction ID to your shopping cart post.{transaction_id}. You will replace {transaction_id} text above with the transaction_id passed into your offer landing page. This field will be tracked by Google for the duration of the purchase.
Conversion Tracking
Conversion tracking will be achieved via the Notification API that Google provides. If you do not utilize the Google Notification API endpoint and do not have resources to set up a custom API handler, as detailed below, of your own, we can set up a custom handler page to handle conversions for your simple buy now button setup. Contact your sales representative for details.
Custom API Handler
Follow the directions on the below page in order to set up your custom handler.
Custom Handlers – Google Checkout →
Upon a successful sale the API posts a New Order Notification that includes the full shopping cart and the merchant-private data from which you can extract the Transaction ID. You will post the transaction ID to your tracking site as below using a server postback. Example:
Since the transaction ID contains all the offer and partner information you will be able to handle all offers on your tracking domain by posting the transaction id to this single location.