When running your business, you likely use specific terms to refer to multiple offers, advertisers, and partners at a time. To do that in TUNE, you can apply classifications and tags. Use these features to:
- Help partners find offers they’re interested in
- Report on tags at an aggregate level
- Better organize offers, advertisers, and partners in your platform
- Automatically approve partners for offers
Classifications and tags are designed with reporting and platform organization in mind. Using classifications, you can consolidate data in the Stats Report by vertical, media placement, and more. Tags build on this functionality by adding customization to organizing offers, partners, and advertisers.
When you classify or tag offers, you can extend the visibility of those classifications and tags to your partners. Your partners can then browse and search for offers by classification and tag.
Classifications are grouped preset labels you can apply to offers, partners, and advertisers in your platform. You can have up to 300 of each classification type in your platform:
- Channels
- Operating systems
- Incentive
- Verticals
- Conversion types
- Media placements
In addition to the preset classifications, you can also add custom ones for each classification on the settings page. From the main navigation, go to Company > Customize Application > Settings > Classifications and Tags. Then, use the dropdown menu above the table to select a classification type. On the page that appears, click the Create button.
Tags are custom labels you can apply to offers, partners, and advertisers in your platform. You can create up to 300 tags for use in your platform. Partner and advertiser tags are visible only within your platform, but offer tags can be made visible to your partners as well.
From the main navigation, go to Company > Customize Application > Settings > Classifications and Tags. On the page that appears, click the Create Tag button.
Then, in the modal window:
- Give your new tag a name
- Toggle your tag to active or inactive
- Tags set to “Inactive” won’t appear as options when filtering data or applying tags
- Decide what the tag can be applied to
- Advertiser tags and partner tags only appear on your platform
- Offer tags can optionally be visible to partners in the publisher interface
- Toggle auto-approval for the tag
To apply a classification to an existing offer, first go to the offer’s page. In the Details panel, click Edit. Then select the classification to apply from a classification dropdown selector like “Vertical” or “Media Placements.”
To apply a tag to an existing offer, partner, or advertiser, first go to the offer, partner, or advertiser’s page. In the Details or Account Information panel, click Edit. Then, use the Tag dropdown selector to apply tags.
Tip: You can also create tags anywhere you apply them—click the plus sign icon (+) next to the Tags dropdown selector to begin the process.
As you use classifications and tags you’ve created, you may want to edit their names or adjust their visibility settings. You can do this on the Classifications and Tags settings page.
From the main navigation, go to Company > Customize Application > Settings > Classifications and Tags. Hover over the classification or tag you want to edit and click the pencil icon. This opens a modal window where you can update information about your classification or tag.
Tip: “Inactive” tags and classifications appear at the bottom of the table on the management page.
You can use the auto-approval function for a classification/tag to save time by automatically approving partners for offers that share that classification/tag. To enable auto-approval, follow these steps:
- Toggle on auto-approval for the desired classification/tag
- Apply that classification/tag to one or more offers
- Apply that classification/tag to one or more partners
Every 30 minutes, approvals will be automatically processed for the tagged offers and partners. Please note that offers must require approval to be eligible for auto-approval — private offers must still be manually approved.
Tags & TUNE Network Partners
TUNE Network Partners automatically receive a TUNE Network Partner tag, making it easier to filter your partner list by Network Partners. In addition, the same tag can be used in reports to view data from Network Partners only.