Categories make it easier for partners to find the offers they need. You can use categories to organize offers based on niche, payout types, and other identifiers. In the Publisher Interface, partners can browse and filter through offer categories.
Creating an Offer Category
First, go to Offers > Offer Categories. Then click the Create Offer Category button. Enter a name for your category, choose whether to make the category active and click the Create button to create the offer category. Now, you can begin adding offers to your new offer category.
Adding Offers to Categories
There are multiple ways to add offers to your offer categories. One method is to go to Offers > Offer Categories and click on the offer category you want to add the offer to. On the page that appears, click Add Offer. Select the offer from the dropdown and click Add to add the offer to the category.
Another method is to manage the offer categories from the offer itself. This method is more suitable for adding or removing multiple categories from the offer at once. On the offer page, find the Details panel and click Edit. All active offer categories are listed in Categories, and any categories that the offer is added to already are selected:
To add the offer to a new category/more than one category, select the category from the list (or Ctrl + Click to select more than one) and click Save to add this offer to each selected category. To remove the offer from all categories, instead, click Clear Selection before you click Save.
The last method is at a larger scale, where you want to add multiple offers to multiple categories. You can do this using the offer upload tool, where you specify the offer IDs and the set of categories that the offer will be added. Here’s an example of three offers (by offer ID) and the set of categories to assign them to:
id, categories 42, "2,5,6" 28, "2,5,6" 36, "2,5,6"
In this example, each offer is being updated so that it is being added to categories 2, 5, and 6 (you can get the ID of the offer category from the offer category list page). The list of categories includes all categories that the offer is assigned to. If you’re adding an offer/set of offers to a new category, keep previously existing categories in that group. Otherwise, those categories will be removed during the update.
Deleting an Offer Category
To delete an offer category, go to Offers > Offer Categories and select it from the list. Then click Edit and set the status to “Inactive”. Offers remain active when a related offer category is deleted.