How to Create and Manage Payout Structures
Our system's payout structures allow you to customize partner payouts based on specific criteria, such as SKU, product plan, product category, or demographic information. This feature is exclusively available for Enterprise accounts.
Creating a Payout Structure
Access Payout Structures
- Navigate to Offers > Payout Structures to manage your payout structures.
- Click on Create New to start creating a new payout structure.
General Information
- In the General Info panel, provide details such as:
- Name (visible to partners)
- Advertiser (optional)
- Currency
- Default payout
- Default revenue (optional)
- In the General Info panel, provide details such as:
Adding Criteria
- Payout structures rely on criteria to determine if a conversion or session qualifies for specific rules.
- Click Add Criteria to define criteria based on tracking link parameters.
- Enter a name for the criteria and select the tracking link parameter to be used.
- Choose the type of data (text or number) and specify the operator for evaluation.
The following TUNE Parameters are supported for criteria:
- adv_sub
- adv_sub2
- adv_sub3
- adv_sub4
- adv_sub5
- aff_sub
- aff_sub2
- aff_sub3
- aff_sub4
- aff_sub5
- source
- Equals- An equality operator (=) that exactly matches one character value to another
- IN- The IN operator is used to determine if the expression matches any value in the list of values.
- Like- ANSI/ISO standard operator for comparing a column value to another column value, or to a quoted string. The conditions match a portion of one character value to another by searching the first value for the pattern specified by the second.
- Not- The NOT operator has one and only one function: negating whatever condition comes next. It retrieves the rows for which the specified condition is FALSE (NOT TRUE).
Number criteria operators:
- Equals
- Less than
- Less than or Equal to
- Greater than
- Greater than or Equal to
- Between
Setting Rules
- After adding criteria, create rules that determine payouts based on these criteria.
- Click Add Rule to define rules. Each rule requires criteria to be met for its conditions to apply.
- Rules are evaluated in the order specified; ensure more specific rules precede general ones.
Assigning to Offers
- Once created, apply the payout structure to offers within your account.
- Navigate to the offer and select Change Payout Structure in the Payout panel.
- Choose the desired payout structure and click Apply Payout Structure.
Pixel/Postback Implementation- Implement the offer pixel or postback to transmit the criteria parameters.
- Example:
<iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" width="1" height="1"></iframe>
Partner-Specific Payout Structures
- Optionally, set partner-specific default payouts and rules.
- Navigate to the partner-specific tab and select Add Partner to configure partner-specific settings.
Working with Goals
- When assigning a payout structure to an offer with enabled goals, note that each goal can have its own payout and revenue settings independent of the payout structure.
- Partner-specific payouts take precedence over general payout structure settings.
- Ensure all criteria parameters are correctly passed in the conversion postback/pixel for accurate evaluation.
By following these steps, you can effectively create and manage payout structures tailored to our system's different partner needs and campaign goals.