Deprecation notice: We are in the process of deprecating this feature. Please use Payout Structures instead. If you are already using Payout and Revenue Groups you may continue to do so, but we encourage you to transition. If you don’t see Payout and Revenue Groups in your Partners menu, but you think you still need them, contact Support to enable the feature based on your scenario.
In TUNE, you can specify how much a partner gets paid based on certain criteria of the session, such as which sub IDs got passed or which country the session was in. This lets you set up lead-scoring systems where certain criteria for conversion or session can determine how much the payout or revenue will be.
A simple example of using payout and revenue groups is to pay partners based on the country of the user. Instead of passing in custom payouts for each conversion or setting up different country-specific payouts using multiple offers, you can set up payout and revenue groups to use with a single offer. For example, US-based conversions can have a payout of $10 while UK traffic has a payout of $12 for the same offer.
Payout and revenue groups work in tandem with the partner payout and default offer payout features. If the session or conversion doesn’t match any specified group, then the default payout and revenue for the offer are used.
This feature is only available to Enterprise accounts.
This article is part of our Platform Basics series.
Creating Payout & Revenue Groups
To manage your groups, go to Partners > Payout & Revenue Groups. To create a group, click Create Payout & Revenue Group at the top-right of the table.
On the next page, give the group a name and add a summary of it in the description field. Keep in mind that both the name and description are visible to partners the group applies to in the publisher interface. Below this, you add the partners you want this offer group to apply for. At least one partner is required to create a group. If you want all partners to access this group, then select all (Ctrl + A) and click Add.
Each payout and revenue group uses declared rules to determine if the conversion or user session qualifies for the group’s payout or revenue setting. The following fields are supported for payout and revenue group rules:
- Partner Sub ID 1 – Sub ID 1 passed from the partner
- Partner Sub ID 2 – Sub ID 2 passed from the partner
- Partner Sub ID 3 – Sub ID 3 passed from the partner
- Partner Sub ID 4 – Sub ID 4 passed from the partner
- Partner Sub ID 5 – Sub ID 5 passed from the partner
- Advertiser Sub ID – Advertiser Sub ID that is passed into the conversion pixel/postback
- Country – The country the user is coming from. Determined on the click
- Offer URL – Create a payout/revenue based on the Offer URL set in the offer
- Source – Source value passed from the partner
- Advanced Targeting Rule – Use one of the preset devices or use a custom-created rule to determine the payout
For the sub IDs and source value, any input is allowed, and you use an operator to determine how the value is treated. You can use the following options:
- is
- is not
- starts with
- does not start with
- contains
- does not contain
- ends with
- does not end with
This allows you to control how you want to treat values passed on click and conversion. For all other field options, you can choose either “is one of” or “is not one of”.
Going back to the first example, if you want to create a payout and revenue Group that pays US traffic a certain amount, here is how this will look on this page:
For the UK-based payout, create a similar group that has only “United Kingdom” selected from the country list.
In the event that you have selected a sub ID/source value, you can add more than one value and this will create an “or” statement for all the included values.
When this happens, the rule will apply when the first or the second value is present.
You can also add multiple rules to a payout and revenue group. This is good when you want to have the same field but with different operators for certain fields. For example, you can create one rule that is “Partner Sub ID 1 is ‘example'” and another rule is “Partner Sub ID 2 contains ‘test'”. When you create multiple rules, the system requires all the rules’ requirements to be met for the group payout or revenue to be applied. For this example, this means
“Partner Sub ID 1 is ‘example'” AND “Partner Sub ID 2 contains ‘test'”
If one of these rules is not met, then this group’s payout or revenue will not be applied. Up to 10 rules can be added to a payout and revenue group.
Setting Up an Offer with Payout & Revenue Groups
Once you have created all the relevant payout/revenue groups, then you can go forward and specify the payout or revenue for each group in the offer. To get this set up, go to the offer, and click Edit in the Payout panel. Scroll down to the Revenue or Payout section and find the Payout Method option. To enable payout and revenue groups, select “Groups”:
Then you can select a group and enter the payout or revenue values. You can add additional groups for all the specific payouts you want to add for this offer. Here’s how you would create the example from above with the US and UK traffic:
The process for adding this for revenues is exactly the same. Once you have added all the desired groups and their respective revenues/payouts to the offer, click Save at the bottom of the page and the groups will take effect. You can add up to 50 payout groups and 50 revenue groups.
A similar process is used when adding groups to additional offer goals, click Edit in the Payout or Revenue section of the goal and you can go through the same process of adding groups as above.
Setting Up Different Payouts By Product/Item Being Purchased
If you are running an e-commerce site or sell multiple products, you might want the option to set a payout at the level of the product being purchased, meaning that instead of setting a payout for the offer, the payout is determined by what product is purchased through the store. With our payout and revenue groups feature, you can implement this system by passing a product ID or SKU number into the conversion pixel/postback.
Step 1: Create Payout & Revenue Groups
To start, you will need to create the payout and revenue groups that will specify what values will be assigned to what payouts. For TUNE to determine what product was purchased and assign the correct payout, the product ID/SKU number/other product identifier needs to be passed back on conversion through the advertiser sub ID. Let’s say we have three products each with a different payout:
- Product 1 has a payout of $10, with an SKU of 13548
- Product 2 has a payout of $7.50 with an SKU of 838291
- Product 3 has a payout of $12 with an SKU of tech3829
In the payout group, create a rule that uses the Advertiser Sub ID field. For the operator, select which criteria you want to meet for the advertiser sub-ID value. If this is a specific product ID, use the “is” operator:
Since each product will have a separate payout, you will need to create a payout group for each one of these products using this example. If you had a range of SKUs that had the same payout (like if a product had variations) you can use a different operator like “starts with”, or “contains” to help accommodate similar SKU numbers into the same group.
Step 2: Set Product Payouts in Offer
Once all the payout groups have been created, you can then add them to the offer payout section. Click Edit at the top of the section. Next, in the payout section, select “Groups” for your Payout Method. Select the payout groups associated with the products, and enter the payout amount for each. Here’s how the above example would look:
Once all the groups have been added, click Save at the bottom.
Step 3: Pixel/Postback Implementation
Now that the groups have been created and the payouts have been assigned, you need to set up your offer pixel/postback to pass back the Product ID/SKU number. Since the groups are expecting these values to be passed back via the advertiser sub ID. Depending on the shopping cart software you use or if you host your own, you will have a macro that can pass the product ID ordered or SKU number to your offer pixel/postback. Going back to our example, let’s say there is a macro for the SKU number. Place this macro in the adv_sub value:
<iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" width="1" height="1"></iframe>
Once this is placed and saved on the order confirmation page, you are ready to test!
Working with Partner-Specific Payouts
If you set partner-specific payouts for an offer, those payouts take priority over payout group settings.