TUNE provides a hosted sign-up page where partners can apply to your platform. You can then approve or reject applicants. Potential partners can access your sign-up form at http://networkID.hasoffers.com/signup
Sign-Up Form
The partner sign-up form is similar to the form required to manually create a partner in the administrator interface. When a potential partner reaches the sign-up form, they will be asked to supply basic information, including company name, address, phone number, and tax ID (optional). They will also set up their log in information (unique email address and password), name, and title.
The partner’s email address must not already exist in your platform. Since all email addresses must be unique in the platform, a partner trying to sign up with an existing email address will receive an error notification.
Additional Sign-Up Questions
You can add additional questions to the sign-up form so that partners can provide additional info when they apply for your platform. This is commonly helpful in vetting each partner to see if they are a good fit for your offers and will drive quality traffic. You can opt to make the fields optional or required.
To add additional questions to your partner sign-up form, go to Company > Customize Application > Content > Partner Sign-Up Questions. Here, you can manage existing questions as well as add new questions. You can choose from input fields, Yes/No questions, and multi-select options.
Terms & Conditions
At the bottom of the sign-up form is a link showing the partner terms and conditions they must agree to when signing up for your company. By default, a sample set of terms and conditions is created for your company, but it is encouraged that you have your own legal counsel draft more applicable terms for your partners to accept.
To customize your partner terms & conditions, go to Company > Customize Application > Content > Partner Terms and Conditions. Enter your terms and conditions on the page that follows. Standard HTML text formatting is allowed in this field.
Note: For security purposes, the embed, object, and script HTML tags are not displayed or rendered in the TUNE platform.
Consent for Anti-Fraud Vetting
As part of TUNE’s efforts to combat the spammers, bots, and applications using fake or disposable information, all new partners signing up must consent to their information being sent to a third-party fraud-prevention service for vetting. This is covered in the second checkbox at the bottom of the sign-up form.
When a partner applies, a risk score is assigned based on multiple factors (such as IP address, mailing address, email address, phone number, and geolocation)—any applicant who scores higher than our risk threshold is automatically rejected. If we auto-reject a partner you have otherwise vetted, you can choose to give them access to your platform by manually changing their status to Active.
Approving Partners
When a partner applies to your platform, you can decide what the next step of their approval is. You can opt to have partners approve it as soon as they complete the sign-up process, along with any additional verification methods you can implement.
Another option is to approve partners to your platform manually. If you select “Require Approval” for the partner sign-up process, new partners are set to “Pending” status. Pending partner applications can be accessed by going to Partners > Pending Partners. If account managers are enabled for partners, assign an Account Manager for the pending partner using the drop-down menu. Next, select “Approve” or “Deny”. Use the “More” option to approve or deny with a note.
You can enable the Account Change Notification setting to receive email notifications whenever a partner or advertiser changes their account information or a new partner or advertiser signs up to your platform. Go to Company > Customize Application > Settings > Application to activate this setting. From there, set Account Change Notification to “Enabled.”
Tracking Pixel on Sign-Up
To display a partner’s conversion tracking code upon the first login, go to Company > Customize Application > Settings > Partners. Then, set the Partner Referral Pixel to “Enabled.” Enter the conversion tracking code to be displayed for the partner referral pixel in the field that appears. The conversion tracking code could be an offer in your platform, promoting partners to sign up.