If you have partner activity or profile fraud monitoring enabled for your platform, you can quickly and efficiently monitor your partner profile and stat activity to see any potentially fraudulent behavior. The partner fraud report is a quick view of partners who have reported profile or activity fraud on their accounts. This report does not have fields that you can select and deselect like other reports, but you can sort the results by each column header.
In the profile fraud column, you can see the values that have set off the profile fraud alerts, while the activity fraud lists the percentage that the partner's stats could be fraudulent. On the far right is the date that the alert was created by the system.
If a partner has been flagged by the system, you have the option to dismiss flags in their account by clicking on the partner name on the left. This will take you to the partner fraud page for the partner where you can deselect any values that have been alerted in the profile or activity fraud sections:
On this page, you can select or deselect the profile and activity fraud flags for the partner. After making changes to the fraud panel, click Update, and a new profile/activity fraud score will be shown in the report. If you want to dismiss all the flags, clicking Update will take the score to 0%, and remove the partner from the fraud report.
Each partner has the option to set custom fraud thresholds. To do this, click Edit in the Custom Threshold Settings panel, and you can set the percentage score for the following actions:
- Activity Fraud – Alert
- Activity Fraud – Block
- Profile Fraud – Alert
- Profile Fraud – Block