In accordance with various regulations, specifically in the EU, you must notify users about your use of cookies and those users must give informed consent to use them. Since the application contains sensitive information, cookies are required for authentication and use of the application.
The Notification and Acceptance of Cookies are disabled by default. You can enable the feature by selecting Customize Application from the Company tab. In the Settings panel, click the Application link. At the bottom of the Application Settings page, select Enabled next to EU Cookie Compliance.
With EU Cookie Compliance enabled, the Notification and Acceptance of Cookies work like this:
- When a user arrives at the application, the user’s IP address is used to look up their country
- If the user is located within the EU, the Notification and Acceptance of Cookies are displayed.
- The application checks to see if the user has an EU cookie set to verify previous informed consent.
- If the user does not have the EU cookie, display notification at top of the page for Privacy and Cookie Information:
- The user is required to read the Privacy Policy and agree to it.
- The user is also required to agree to accept cookies.
- Once the user accepts cookies, the application sets the EU cookie to expire in 1 year.
- When the user returns and the user has the EU cookie set, the notification is hidden.
Note: After enabling EU Cookie Compliance, any user who visits from an IP that cannot be geo-located will see the Notification and Acceptance of Cookies message, regardless of their actual physical location.
The Notification and Acceptance of Cookies must be completed in order for partners or advertisers to log in or sign up.