Testing Setup
Once you have obtained the tracking link from the partner’s system, go to Partners > Conversion Pixels/URLs. In the row for the pixel you want to test, click Test in its respective column.
On the next page, you will see a three-step process to complete the test. Step one has already been done: select the partner and offer you want to test. The next step is to place the partner tracking link from the partner’s system into the field in Step Two. This tracking link should redirect to your platform's tracking link for the partner. When the tracking link has been pasted into the field for Step Two, click Open.
Clicking the tracking link will open a new tab in your browser. This begins a test tracking session for your and the partner’s tracking systems and redirects to the offer landing page. Once the landing page fully loads, you can close your browser tab.
Note: Make sure you are not only pasting in your TUNE partner tracking link. Doing so initiates the session for your TUNE platform, not the partner’s system. When it comes time to fire a conversion, conversions will only be tracked on your end and not in the partner’s system, which this tool serves to test.
In Step 3, you can see a test URL that will fire the conversion, and you can test fire the conversion by clicking Test. This takes you to a new testing page URL that is similar to an offer conversion tracking pixel URL but without any HTML code:
The appended test=1 parameter tells the ad server that the conversion is a test (and to display the conversion results).
Test Results
When you click Test in Step 3, this will trigger the conversion with the following URL:
At the top, you will see the session information passed on the click, including the sub-ID and source value. If no source value is added, the value “pixel_text” will be added to mark the conversion as a test in the conversion report. Below the session info, you will see the pixel fired (if the partner pixel was iframe/image/javascript) with the source code and any additional parameters passed from TUNE.
If the partner was firing a postback URL, the response shows the URL fired, along with any values passed from TUNE to the partner. If there is a server response, that response appears at the bottom.
If a partner places multiple pixels/postbacks for an offer, each pixel and postback appears in the response list.
Conversion Report
After the test and all the responses look good, the partner must confirm if the conversion was recorded. The partner’s pixel/postback is ready to go live if all the values are passed correctly. In the meantime, you can check that the tested conversion appears in your conversion report with the “Employee Test” status message: