While not ideal, you might run into a situation where you need to disable a partner tracking link. This may be necessary if a partner is causing fraudulent activity or if they’re being reported for spam and a tracking link needs to be disabled to be compliant with your TUNE terms of service.
In the event that you need to take action against a partner, instead of blocking the account completely, you can disable an individual tracking link, leaving other tracking links to work normally.
Viewing Disabled Links
To see a list of disabled tracking links, go to Partners > Disabled Links. This page contains all links currently disabled in your network:
Disabling a Link
To disable a tracking link, click Add at the top right of the disabled links table. In the window that appears, select the offer and partner pair you wish to block. Then if the tracking link you want to disable has extra sub ID or source parameters, add those as well and toggle Exact Match to “Enabled”. Click Add once you’re finished.
When “Exact Match” is enabled, incoming traffic that contains the fields you entered is blocked. When “Exact Match” is disabled, all traffic for this offer and partner pair is blocked instead.
Deleting Disabled Links
If a disabled link no longer needs to be blocked, you can re-enable the link by clicking the delete icon in the “Partner” column. Although this may look like you’re deleting the link, you’re actually just deleting the block on the link, returning it to normal.
To delete multiple disabled links, just tick the box next to the rows you want to remove and click Delete. You can filter the view by clicking Configure to make it easier to select the right link(s) for deletion.