Each offer’s page holds a lot of information. Here’s a comprehensive list of what you’ll find in each panel to quickly get to what you need.
To access an offer’s page, go to Offers > Manage Offers and select the offer you’re interested in.
Details Panel
View and edit most of the information available when creating an offer, like its description, offer URL, and tracking protocol. You can also view conversion tracking settings and create new offers based on this one.
What’s displayed in this panel:
- ID: Unique, the numeric ID of the offer in your platform.
- Advertiser: Advertiser name and approval status in your platform.
- Name: Offer name in your platform.
- Channel: Offer classification describing the advertising channel
- Operating System: Offer classification describing the desired operating system
- Incentive: Offer classification describing user incentives
- Vertical: Offer classification describing a market segment
- Conversion Type: Offer classification describing conversion type
- Media Placements: Offer classification describing ad locations
- Tags: Offer tags associated with this offer
- Category: Offer categories associated with this offer.
- Description: The offer displayed in your platform and to publishers.
- Preview: URL for partners to preview the offer landing page.
- Status: The approval status of the offer: “Active,” “Pending,” “Paused,” or “Deleted.”
- Expires: Date when the offer expires (expired offers are set to “Pending”).
- Protocol: Tracking protocol used by this offer.
- Reference ID: Field containing a provided offer reference ID. Often used for external tracking systems.
- Note: Notes or other information for admin employees (not visible to partners).
Where you can go from here:
- Edit: Go to a settings page to change the above details for the offer.
- Create Similar: Go to an offer creation page pre-populated with information from the offer.
- Tracking: Go to the conversion tracking information for the offer. When the Multiple Conversion Goals offer payout setting is disabled, see the Payout panel for this information instead.
Metrics Panel
Open the offer performance report for a visual summary of offer stats. This panel only appears for Enterprise accounts.
What’s displayed in this panel: This panel contains a description of the offer performance report.
Where you can go from here:
- Offer Performance Report: Open a quick summary of the revenue, payout, caps, and top publishers of the offer in the same window.
Generate Tracking Panel
Generate and modify tracking links, creative ad tags, and impression pixels for publishers. For more details on using this panel, check out our article on generating tracking links.
What’s displayed in this panel:
- Partner: Dropdown menu to select a partner for whom to generate a tracking code.
- Offer URL: Dropdown menu to select an offer URL/landing page. It only appears when there are at least two offer URLs.
- Tracking Link: Field displaying generated tracking link.
- Creative: Dropdown menu to select a creative to include. It only appears when creatives are associated with the offer.
- Generate Tiny URL: Checkbox to shorten the tracking link.
- Add Source: Checkbox to add a traffic source value to the tracking link.
- Add Sub ID: Checkbox to add partner sub ID parameters to the tracking link.
- Add Deep Link: Checkbox to add a deep link to the tracking link. It only appears when the Deep Links offer setting is enabled.
- Add Custom Variables: Checkbox to add custom variables to the tracking link. It only appears when the Custom Variables setting is enabled.
- Impression Pixel: Field displaying generated impression pixel code.
Partner Access Panel
Manage partner access settings at the offer level. In other parts of the platform, you can also change partner access settings at the partner or advertiser levels.
What’s displayed in this panel:
- Approved: List of partners approved to run traffic for this offer.
- Unapproved: List of partners pending approval to run traffic for this offer.
- Blocked: List of partners blocked from running traffic for this offer.
Conversion Pixels / URLs Panel
Enter and save a partner’s conversion pixel/URL at the offer level. In other parts of the platform, you can add (and test) partner conversion pixels/URLs at the partner level.
What’s displayed in this panel:
- Partner: Dropdown menu to select a partner for whom to add a partner conversion link.
- Goal: Dropdown menu to select an Offer Goal to add a partner conversion link. It only appears when the Multiple Conversion Goals offer payout setting is enabled.
- Type: Dropdown menu to select the partner conversion tracking type for the partner conversion link.
- Add Code/Image Pixel/Postback URL: Field to enter a partner conversion link.
Payout Panel
View and edit information related to revenue, payouts, and conversion goals for the offer. Settings for Payout & Revenue Groups are also found through this panel. The content in this panel changes if you’ve set up goals for the offer.
With Goals Disabled
What’s displayed in this panel:
- Currency: Currency setting for offer payouts and revenue. It only appears for Enterprise accounts.
- Goals: Status of the Multiple Conversion Goals offer payout setting.
- Default Payout: Amount paid to partners per conversion when no payout group is matched. It only appears when the Payout Method is “Default.”
- Payout Groups: List of payout groups used in this offer. Only appears when the Payout Method is “Groups.”
- Payout Tiers: List of payout tiers used in this offer. It only appears when the Payout Method is “Tiered.”
- Revenue Value: Amount paid by advertisers per conversion when no revenue group is matched. It only appears when the Revenue Method is “Default.”
- Revenue Groups: List of revenue groups used in this offer. It only appears when the Revenue Method is “Groups.”
- Revenue Tiers: List of revenue tiers used in this offer. Only appears when the Revenue Method is “Tiers.”
Where you can go from here:
- Partner Payouts: Go to a page where you can view and edit partner-specific payout settings for the offer.
- Edit: Go to a page where you can edit the currency, revenue, payout, and offer goal settings above for the offer.
With Goals Enabled
What’s displayed in this panel: All offer goals are listed in a table with their name, payout, and revenue settings.
Where you can go from here:
- Partner Payouts: Go to a page where you can view and edit partner-specific payout settings for the offer.
- Add Goal: Go to a form where you can add a new goal for the offer by entering tracking, payout, and revenue details.
- Manage Goals: Go to a table containing detailed information for all goals in the offer.
You can also select a goal to view its conversion tracking information.
Automation Rules
View all automation rules that apply to this offer. This panel only appears when the employee user has the “Automation” permission.
What’s displayed in this panel: A list of all your automation rules being checked for this offer. To edit or delete an existing rule, hover over its ID and click the corresponding icon.
Where you can go from here:
- Add Rule: Create a new automation rule for the offer.
Settings Panel
Enable and disable settings specific to the offer, like conversion and budget caps or partner approval requirements.
What’s displayed in this panel:
- Private Offer: Setting only to show the offer to approved publishers. It only appears when the Private Access platform-wide offer setting is enabled.
- Require Approval: Setting to require partners to apply and get approval. It only appears when the Require Approval platform-wide offer setting is enabled.
- Terms and Conditions: Setting to require partners to accept your terms and conditions. Only appears when the Additional Terms and Conditions platform-wide offer setting is enabled.
- Daily/Monthly/Lifetime Conversions: Limit the maximum number of conversions on the offer in a timeframe. It only appears when the Caps offer setting is enabled.
- Daily/Monthly/Lifetime Payout: Limit the maximum payout the offer can post in a timeframe. It only appears when the Caps offer setting is enabled.
- Daily/Monthly/Lifetime Revenue: Limit the maximum revenue the offer generates in a timeframe. It only appears when the Caps offer setting is enabled.
- Display Advertiser: Setting to display the advertiser’s name to your publishers. It only appears when the Display Advertiser platform-wide offer setting is enabled.
Where you can go from here:
- Edit: Go to a page where you can change the above settings for the offer, as well as settings for offer caps, email instructions, and suppression lists
Targeting Panel
View and edit offer group, geotargeting, and advanced targeting settings associated with the offer.
What’s displayed in this panel:
- Groups: List of offer groups associated with the offer.
- Advanced Targeting: List of advanced targeting rules for the offer.
- Countries: List of countries being geotargeted by the offer.
- Regions: List of regions being geotargeted by the offer.
- Cities: List of cities being geotargeted by the offer. It only appears for Enterprise accounts.
- Enforce Geotargeting: Setting to restrict the offer to the targeted locations.
Where you can go from here:
- Edit: Go to a settings page where you can select offer groups and change the above targeting rules for the offer.
Tracking Panel
View and edit offer tracking settings.
What’s displayed in this panel:
- Proactive Click Fraud Prevention: Setting to reject clicks marked as suspicious by the TUNE fraud database (powered by Fraudlogix). Only applied when the Proactive Click Fraud Prevention Platform-wide tracking setting is set to “Enabled.”
- Redirect Offer: Offer to redirect users if this offer is paused, expires, or exceeds a cap. It only appears when the Redirect Offers platform-wide offer setting is enabled.
- Secondary Offer: Offer to redirect users if they have already converted on this offer. It only appears when the Redirect Offers platform-wide offer setting is enabled.
- Start Session Tracking: Setting to begin session tracking on click or impression (impressions count toward your click count allocation for billing purposes).
- Click Session Lifespan: Duration of time to keep click sessions active for the offer.
- Impression Session Lifespan: Duration of time to keep impression sessions active for the offer. It only appears when the Start Session Tracking is set to “Impressions.”
- Approve Conversions: Setting to require each conversion to be approved before being included in billing and stats for the offer. It only appears when the Conversion Approval platform-wide tracking setting is enabled.
- Multiple Conversions: Setting to allow multiple conversions to be recorded per session.
- Subscriptions: The setting allows the offer to be tracked as a subscription-based offer. It only appears when the Subscription Platform-wide offer setting is enabled.
- Customer Lists: Name of selected customer list to append customers who convert on the offer.
- Click Macro: Setting to allow click tracking in another tracking system. It only appears when the Global Click Macro platform-wide tracking setting is enabled.
- Tracking Domain: Tracking domain being used for the offer.
- Encrypted Conversion Tracking: Setting for enforcing encryption on conversion links. Only appears when the Encrypt Conversion URLs Platform-wide tracking setting is enabled.
- Offer Whitelist: Setting requires a conversion to be validated against a list of acceptable IP addresses. It only appears when the Offer Whitelisting platform-wide tracking setting is enabled.
- Secure Tracking Links: Setting to enforce SSL by using HTTPS instead of HTTP tracking links.
Where you can go from here:
- Edit: Go to a settings page where you can change tracking settings for the offer, including the ones listed above.
Offer Whitelist Panel
Add and edit allowed IP addresses and domains for incoming conversion notifications. This panel only appears when the offer whitelist is enabled.
What’s displayed in this panel: All whitelisted IP addresses and domains are listed in a table.
Where you can go from here:
- Add: Go to a form for adding a new IP address or domain to the offer’s whitelist.
- Manage: Go to a page where you can view, edit, or delete all whitelisted IP addresses and domains.
Insertion Orders Panel
View insertion order agreements associated with the offer.
What’s displayed in this panel: A list of all your insertion orders that contain the offer.
Where you can go from here:
- View All: Go to a page to view information about all insertion orders in your platform and add new ones.
Landing Pages Panel
Set up and manage additional offer URLs that lead to other landing pages.
What’s displayed in this panel: A list of all your offer URLs for the offer.
Where you can go from here:
- Add URL: Go to a form for adding offer URLs/landing pages for the offer.
- Manage: Go to a page where you can view existing or add new offer URLs to the offer.
Scheduled Offer Changes Panel
View and delete changes scheduled by admin employees to the offer’s status, payout settings, or revenue settings. This panel only appears for Enterprise accounts.
What’s displayed in this panel: A list of all changes scheduled by admin employees to the offer’s status, payout settings, or revenue settings. Includes information such as the employee who scheduled the change, when the change is scheduled for, and what the scheduled change is.
Where you can go from here: This panel has no further settings.
Email Instructions Panel
View and edit settings related to how publishers promote the offer via email. This panel appears if the Suppression Lists / Email Instructions Platform-wide offer setting is enabled and at least one of the Email Instructions and Suppression List settings is enabled for the offer.
What’s displayed in this panel:
- Approved From Lines: Email “From:” line criteria for publishers to use when promoting the offer.
- Approved Subject Lines: Email “Subject:” line criteria for publishers to use when promoting the offer.
- Suppression List: Name of selected suppression list, which contains users who opt-out of emails for the offer (required for email marketing campaigns).
- Download: URL where publishers go to download the suppression list.
- Unsubscribe Link: URL for users to be added to the suppression list.
Where you can go from here:
- Edit: Go to a settings page to change the above settings for the offer.
Creative Files Panel
Preview, edit, and download creative files attached to the offer. This panel only appears if there are creatives associated with the offer.
What’s displayed in this panel: A list of all creatives associated with the offer. Includes information such as the creative’s ID in your platform, its file name, and a link to where it’s hosted.
Where you can go from here:
- Add: Go to a form where you can add one or more creative files to your platform and attach them to offers.
Offer History Panel
View recent changes to this offer made by admin employees. This panel only appears for Enterprise accounts.
What’s displayed in this panel: A list of changes made to the offer by admin employees. Includes the date and time of each change, along with which user made the change.
Where you can go from here:
- Data Audit Log: Go to the full data audit log, where changes for all offers and users are listed.